


AMENDED 10/15/2024


1.1 This organization shall be known as The Mt. Olive Jr. Lacrosse Club (hereinafter referred to as the Club or MOJLC).

1.2 The MOJLC may change its name by a 2/3 vote of its membership.

1.3 The principal office of the Club shall be located at Mt. Olive Township, New Jersey, at the direction of the Board of Directors, with communication directed and addressed to PO Box 743 Flanders, NJ 07836.

1.3.1 The Club may choose to participate or join, and join with, for specific purposes, organizations ascribing to the goals and purposes of the program.

1.3.2 The organization may include, but are not limited to: Mt. Olive Township Recreation Department, New Jersey Junior. Lacrosse League, US Lacrosse, Positive Coaching Alliance, National Youth Sports Coaches Association, the National Alliance for Youth Sports and the Jersey Girls’ Lacrosse Association.


2.1.1 It is the intent of the Club to instill in the players, parents, coaches and directors the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect.

2.1.2 The Club is determined to teach poise and character to all of those involved as it relates to activities occurring on and off the field of play, and to build healthier bodies and stronger minds to our youth, at the same time teaching them about fair play and sportsmanship.

2.1.3 The purposes for which this Club has been formed, is to develop and promote community interest in the sport of lacrosse, to provide opportunities for participation in organized lacrosse for all children and to provide safe and proper training in the fundamentals of the sport.

2.2 It is also the intent and purpose that the Club shall be organized and operated for the purpose of growth and interests in the MOJLC and the sport of lacrosse with the intent of self-preservation and the ability to enhance services provided to the participating membership of MOJLC and to the community at large while ensuring charitable and educational purposes are met in the public interest.

2.3 The Club is not organized for the financial profit of its directors, officers, or members. The Club may not issue stock or distribute dividends, and no part of the net income or earnings of the Club shall be used for the benefit of any officer or member of the Club, or any private individual. The majority of the Board of Directors shall act upon any donation or contributions not specifically addressed in these by-laws.

2.4 The Club shall not participate in, or otherwise intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office, consistent with the practices of a 501(c)(3) type corporation.


3.1.1 General Club membership meetings will be held monthly during the months of September to June.

3.1.2 Meetings will be held at a designated time and location, as agreed to by the Board of Directors or at such place as may be designated from time to time by resolution of the Board.

3.1.3 The Club Secretary will contact the membership at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the general meeting to confirm a specific time and location for said meeting.

3.1.4 The Board of Directors may hold additional meetings to conduct Board business as the Directors see fit.

3.1.5 Any member of the Board can call for an executive meeting.

3.1.6 There must be a majority vote of the Board in order for that meeting request to be honored.

3.1.7 Such meeting shall be conducted at either the Board of Directors designated location, or at the place designated by the Director requesting said meeting, or virtually.

3.2.2 The Club business calendar will run from July 1st of the current calendar year through June 30th of the following calendar year.

3.2.3 Board elections will be held during the June general meeting and annual business will be completed.

3.2.4 The current and newly elected Board of Directors will meet in July for transition purposes.

3.2.5 The new Board members will preside over all Board meetings or activities after the June election and the required transition meeting.

3.2.6 No special meeting may be convened prior to the transition meeting, so that the new Board members may be adequately informed to then assume their duties.

3.2.7 All outgoing Presidents, V.P. 's, Secretary, Treasurer and the other designated Directors shall turn over to the newly elected board all copies and receipts of club business in their possession.

3.3.1 The order of the business at any general meeting shall be:

-Call to order

-Taking of attendance

-Reading/acceptance of minutes from the previous meeting

-Reports of Standing Committees

-Old Business

-New Business

-Open Forum


3.4.1 A quorum of at least 10% of the current voting membership, plus three (3) officers shall be necessary to conduct the business of the Club at any general meeting.

3.4.2 Any meeting at which a quorum is not present shall be adjourned to the next general membership meeting.

3.4.3 A list of meeting attendees will be kept by the Club Secretary and copied to minutes of the meetings.

3.5.1 In the event of a change of meeting, all voting members should be notified seventy-two hours prior to the new meeting date, by the Club Secretary.

3.5.2 A general meeting may only be changed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

3.5.3 In case of inclement weather, a cancellation, relocation, or postponement of a scheduled meeting should be made and all voting members of the Club should be notified at least four (4) hours before the start of the scheduled meeting.

3.6.1 The President may call for a special meeting of the Club, by a majority of the Board or a signed petition of 10% of the voting membership, if deemed necessary for the good of MOJLC.

3.6.2 This request should be made at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance, through the Club Secretary.

3.6.3 An attempt will be made to notify all voting members.

3.6.4 The signed petition of 10% of the voting membership shall serve as the necessary quorum to conduct the special meeting.

3.7.1 Parents or legal guardians of registered players, as well as official coaches, staff members, and appointed committee personnel, automatically become members of the club.

3.7.2 Any resident of Mt. Township may attend general meetings of the club, but must be a member to express opinions at those meetings.

3.7.3 To be considered a voting member, one must have attended at least 6 of the Club’s monthly meetings, excluding special meetings, during a twelve month period, inclusive to the last general meeting, and must be of the age of majority in the State of New Jersey.

3.7.4 All members must be in good financial standing with the Club, as determined by the Board of Directors in order to vote.

3.7.5 Any member with unsettled financial obligations to the Club, exceeding sixty (60) days past due, will be suspended from the Club (including all Club activities), until such time as their debts are resolved.

3.7.6 The determination to suspend a member based upon unsettled financial obligations will be made by the Board of Directors.

3.7.7 Once suspended, the member loses all rights granted to a member of the Club, including his/her voting eligibility, and will be temporarily removed from any title and/or position that he or she currently holds.

3.7.8 If any vendor, supplier, or other enterprise doing business with the Club falls into arrears with the Club, then no business shall be conducted between the authority and the Club until all debts are settled, and confirmed by the Board of Directors.

3.7.9 All suspended parties have the right to appeal by sending their request for such appeal in writing to the Club President.

3.7.10 The appeal will be brought to the Board of Directors for review and a decision will be rendered at the next scheduled general meeting.

3.8 Directors become voting members of the Club upon installation and remain voting members during their term, unless removed from their position in accordance with these Constitution & By-Laws.


4.1.1 The Club shall have eleven (11) Directors as follows:

1. President

2. Vice President of Boys

3. Vice President of Girls

4. Club Treasurer

5. Club Secretary

6. Director of Fields

7. Director of Equipment

8. Director of Tournament

9. Director of Fundraising

10. Director of Membership

11. Director of Communications

4.2.2 Collectively, they shall be known as the Board of Directors.

4.2.3 The Board of Directors must consist of a President, Vice President of Boys, Vice President of Girls, Club Treasurer, Club Secretary, a Director of Fields, a Director of Equipment, a Director of Tournament, a Director of Fundraising, a Director of Membership and a Director of Communications.

4.2.4 Adjustments to the size and scope of the board cannot be made after the start of the current fiscal year.

4.2.5 In order to redefine the board, a special meeting must be called to order, of the current sitting board members no more than 60 days & no less than 30 days prior to the annual meeting in June.

4.2.6 The current sitting board members will determine the positions to be posted and filled for nomination for the following year.

4.3 The Board of Directors must always consist of an odd number of members.

4.4.1 Being that MOJLC is a volunteer, non-profit organization, no individual can hold a board position when that individual is employed by an entity that may conflict with services from which the board member receives compensation.

4.4.2 A board member may render service for free to the organization, but must not be in a position to influence decision-making outcomes by the very nature of his/her own career or board status.

4.4.3 As an organization, MOJLC wishes to involve residents of our serving community.

4.4.4 Each individual director shall have only one (1) vote, regardless of the number of positions held.

4.4.5 The President can only cast a vote to create or prevent a tie (as described in Robert’s Rules of Order 12th Edition.)

4.5.1 Every act and/or decision made by a majority of the directors present at a general meeting duly held, at which a quorum is present, is the act of the Board of Directors, unless the by-laws require a greater percentage or different voting rules for approval of a matter by the Board (i.e. capital expenditures).

4.5.2 In the event that a director is unable to attend a voting meeting, they may sign a proxy vote to another director.

4.5.3 This written proxy vote must be signed and in a sealed envelope. An email vote to both the secretary and the president is a valid proxy vote.

4.5.4 The proxy vote may not count as a member present for purposes of a quorum.

4.5.5 The proxy vote is for the sole purpose of an absentee vote.

4.6.1 The Directors shall be of the age of majority in the State of New Jersey, and the Directors shall serve without compensation.

4.6.2 No Director will be personally liable for the debts, liabilities or other obligations of the Club.

4.6.3 Additionally, the Club, to the fullest extent permissible, shall indemnify the directors of the Club under the laws of the State of New Jersey.

4.6.4 Except as may be otherwise provided under provisions of law, the Board of Directors may adopt a resolution authorizing the purchase and maintenance of insurance on behalf of any agent of the Club against liabilities asserted against or incurred by the agent in such capacity or arising out of the agent’s status, whether or not the corporation would have the power to indemnify the agent against liability under these by-laws.

4.6.5 Term of office shall be as follows:

4.6.5a The President, Administrative Assistant to the President, Vice President of Boys, Vice President of Girls, Club Treasurer, Club Secretary, Director of Fields, Director of Equipment, Director of Tournament, Director of Fundraising and Director of Membership shall be elected by a majority vote of the voting membership of the Club for period of one (1) Club calendar year (July through June), unless he or she resigns, is removed, or is otherwise disqualified to serve, or until his or her successor is elected and qualified, whichever comes first.

4.6.5b All nominations are to be accepted or declined 1 week prior to the election meeting. All nominees not responding by this time will be removed from the ballot.

4.7.1 Absentee ballots will be accepted from voting members for election of directors. Absentee ballots must be cast within 24 hours of the conclusion of the election meeting.

4.7.2 Constitution and By-Law changes, and any rule & regulation ratification, provided such absentee ballots are presented to the Club President and/or Administrative VP prior to the beginning of the general meeting in which the elections are being held.

4.7.3 All such ballots must be written, dated, and signed by the voting member submitting said ballot.

4.7.4 Proxy ballots as defined in Article 4.5.3 will also be accepted.

4.7.5 Proxies must also be written, dated, and signed with clear instructions as to the voting member that will cast his or her vote on their behalf. Emailed copies of absentee ballots to both the secretary and president are acceptable as long as they contain the required signature of the voting member submitting said ballot.

4.8.1 The activities of the Club shall be conducted, and all corporate powers shall be exercised by, or under the direction of the Board of Directors.

4.8.2 It shall be the duty of the Directors to:

4.8.2a Perform any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, by Robert’s Rules of Order (12th Edition), or by these By-Laws.

4.8.2b Appoint and remove, employ or discharge, and except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws, prescribe the duties of all officers and members of the Club.

4.8.2c Meet at such times and places as required by these By-Laws.

4.8.2d Register their addresses with the Club Secretary.

4.8.2e Notices of meetings may be mailed, faxed, or electronically sent to them at such addresses, and shall be considered valid notification.

4.9.1 The functions of the President, Vice Presidents, Club Secretary, Club Treasurer and Directors shall be described in Robert’s Rules of Order 12th Edition and are generalized in these By-Laws:


4.9.1A:1 The President is responsible for managing the Club within the stated by laws and the operating philosophies of the Club and its affiliations.

4.9.1A:2 The President may create an Administrative Assistant to the President position if so desired.

4.9.1A:3 The President is responsible for ensuring that the decisions of the Board of Directors are executed.

4.9.1A:4 The President is responsible to act as a representative of the Club in all dealings with all outside organizations, authorities, and media outlets.

4.9.1A:5 The President, along with the Board of Directors, shall review the Club’s financial records on a monthly basis to validate the financial reports prepared by the Treasurer.

4.9.1A:6 The President is responsible for supervising the creation of all Club budgets and philosophies.

4.9.1A:7 The President shall call to order business meetings of the Board of Directors and General Meetings.

4.9.1A:8 The President shall serve as an official member of all committees.

4.9.1A:9 The President, in instances where disciplinary measures appear appropriate or are recommended, will convene a special meeting of the Board of Directors.

4.9.1A:10 The President shall be authorized to mediate all matters.

4.9.1A:11 In the case of a tie, members of the Board of Directors not in attendance will be polled via email.

4.9.1A:12 If this still results in a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote.

4.9.1A:13 The President shall have the power to sign all checks and bank withdrawals with the Treasurer's co-signature.

4.9.1A:14 A minimum of 2 signatures shall be required for all checks and bank withdrawals over $500.00.

4.9.1A:15 Only the signature of the Treasurer is necessary on checks under $500.00.

4.9.1A:16 The President shall maintain a key to the P.O. Box.

4.9.1A:17 The Club Secretary shall maintain the second key and be responsible to distribute mail to the Club.

4.9.1A:18 The President shall communicate with the Director of Equipment with respect to all issues involving equipment, uniforms, etc.

4.9.1A:19 The Director of Equipment shall be responsible to coordinate and oversee a uniform subcommittee to handle the ordering and distributing of uniforms.

4.9.1A:20 The Director of Communications is to work in conjunction with the webmaster to maintain the Club’s website and to report to the President regarding the same.

4.9.1A:21 The Divisional Vice Presidents shall assist the President in the

collection of rosters, birth certificates and registration forms.

4.9.1A:22 The President shall submit the necessary documents to any authority municipality, or outside organization.


4.9.1B:1 The Vice Presidents of Boys & Girls oversee their respective programs to ensure the operating philosophies of the Club and its affiliations are being properly executed.

4.9.1B:2 Both Vice Presidents are responsible for submitting budgetary and operational needs for their respective programs to the Club Treasurer and Club Secretary, as well as reporting to the remaining directors the status of their respective programs from an operational and instructional standpoint.

4.9.1B:3 Both Vice Presidents supervise the coaching personnel that are appointed to instruct their programs participants.

4.9.1B:4 The Vice Presidents are responsible to schedule practices, scrimmages, and games for their respective programs.

4.9.1B:5 The Vice Presidents are the primary contacts for their respective leagues.

4.9.1B:6 The Vice Presidents must attend or delegate a member to attend league meetings to ensure the Club remains in good standing and well informed.

4.9.1B:7 The Vice Presidents are also responsible to schedule and confirm practice and game times, dates and locations with the township (in order to provide adequate field usage for all teams), as well as confirmation of referees for scheduled regular season home games.

4.9.1B:8 The Vice Presidents are responsible to forward copies of any and all correspondence to the Club Secretary for filing and reference.


4.9.1C:1 The Club Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial viability of the Club.

4.9.1C:2 This includes the management of all revenue and expense related items related to the Club and the approved fiscal budget.

4.9.1C:3 The Club Treasurer is responsible for developing the Club’s operating budget, and to present this budget to the Board of Directors by the September general meeting.

4.9.1C:4 The Club Treasurer is also responsible for timely booking and disbursement of Club funds and executing the approved financial accounting procedures, which will include revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities, as well as identifying Club revenue streams.

4.9.1C:5 The Club Treasurer manages all insurance, affiliations, and term contracts for which the Club is liable.

4.9.1C:6 The Club Treasurer is responsible for the administration and filing of all Club financial documents that the Club is required to register with the County, State, and Federal Government.

4.9.1C:7 The Club Treasurer is responsible to report the financial state of the Club on a monthly basis to the President and the Board of Directors.

4.9.1C:8 The Club Treasurer shall institute any budget related sub-committee activities as required and the Treasurers shall maintain all Club records for a period of no less than seven (7) years.


4.9.1D:1 The Club Secretary shall record and distribute the minutes of all meetings.

4.9.1D:2 The Club Secretary shall disseminate in a timely manner all committee and Board decisions and/or information pertinent to future committee and Board actions (i.e. special meetings, pending votes, etc.) to all committee and Board members, as well as the general membership if warranted.

4.9.1D:3 The Club Secretary shall be responsible to retain all files and Club records for a minimum of seven (7) years.

4.9.1D:4 The Club Secretary shall also be responsible to maintain the mailing address at the Flanders Post Office for their respective divisions, or any other location decided upon by the Board of Directors.

4.9.1D:5 The Club Secretary is responsible for collecting and distributing Club mail and correspondence to the appropriate parties.

4.9.1D:6 The Club Secretary is the contact for the Club regarding all incoming and outgoing correspondence.

4.9.1D:7 The Club Secretary may also assist in the administration of the voting process in all elections.


4.9.1E:1 The Administrative Assistant to the President is responsible to fulfill the duties of the President, in the event the President is unable to perform his or her duties, exclusive of the President's voting rights or financial authority.

4.9.1E:2 The Administrative Assistant to the President shall be appointed by the President and only shall hold a vote when the President is absent from the meeting and the Assistant is conducting business.

4.9.1E:3 The Administrative Assistant is responsible to support all on and off the field activities of the Club.

4.9.1E:4 The Administrative Assistant is responsible to supervise and maintain the unification of the Club between both programs, working in conjunction with the Vice Presidents of Boys & Girls, and oversee all sub-committees established by the Board of Directors.

4.9.1E:5 In the event that there is no Administrative Assistant position on the Board, the above duty will become the responsibility of the Club Treasurer, so as not to cause conflict between the respective Vice Presidents of Boys & Girls programs.

4.9.1E:6 The President shall appoint The Club Treasurer to act as interim President in their stead.

4.10.1 In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, a new director shall be appointed by approval of the remaining Board of Directors to complete the term of the vacated position.

4.10.2 Any director may resign effective upon giving written notice to the remaining directors, unless the notice specifies a later time for resignation.

4.10.3 Any such resignation shall take place at the date of receipt of such notice or at any such notice or at any later date specified therein.

4.10.4 The acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

4.10.5 Directors may be removed from office with or without cause, at any time, by the Board of Directors, as permitted by, and in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.

4.10.6 All finished and unfinished projects including minutes and receipts are required to be handed over to the incoming officer by the outgoing officer.

4.11.1 The Director of Membership shall seek/collect nominations for the June Annual Meeting Board of Directors elections at a chosen Board meeting between the months of April and May.

4.11.2 The designated Director will be responsible to submit a list of any and all nominations at the June Annual Meeting.

4.11.3 The Director of Membership shall be responsible to confirm the Members’ attendance at the Club’s Monthly Meetings to determine eligibility to vote on the Slate of Nominees for Board Positions.

4.11.4 If there is no Director of Membership available on the Board, the President can appoint a fellow director to coordinate nominations.

4.11.5 Nominees should be members in good standing for a minimum of one (1) year membership.

4.11.5a Nominees have 1 week to accept or decline nomination.

4.12.1 All board election voting must be cast by secret ballot, in respect to the member’s privacy.

4.12.2 All absentee and proxy ballots must be submitted to the Club Secretary at the beginning of the Annual Meeting.

4.12.3 Only voting members meeting the criteria listed in Article III, paragraph 7 are eligible to cast votes in the Board elections.


5.1 Two (2) Board member signatures required on all Club checks.

5.2 Three (3) quotes are required on any and all equipment/materials purchased by and for the Club that exceed the Mt. Olive Twp. Recreational Dept. allotment rules.

5.3.1 A majority vote of the Board of Directors must approve any and all purchases by the Club up to $500.00, purchases over $500.00 must be made known to the Board of Directors at the closest available monthly meeting.

5.3.2 The respective V.P. making the same purchase must inform all Board members through an email sent from the club secretary and show the constraints of the sale.

5.3.3 The club Treasurer must also confirm that the aforementioned purchase will not adversely impact the budget of the division.

5.4 The Club name, logo, letterhead or any other official documentation provided by the MOJLC cannot be used by anyone without permission of the Board of Directors, and then only for the exclusive use of the Club.

5.5 All Board members and coaches must be official members of US Lacrosse and must be certified by either the National Youth Sports Coaches Association, the Rutgers Certification Clinic, or possess equivalent certification that is accepted by the Township of Mt. Olive.

5.6 The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised 12th Edition, shall govern the Club in all cases in which they are applicable and which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution & By-Laws, or any special rules of order, that the Club may adopt.

5.7.1 The Board member in charge of fundraising activities must first bring those ideas to the attention of the Board of Directors for approval at the next Club meeting.

5.7.2 The Board of Directors must approve all fundraising activities in advance.

5.7.3 All fundraising monies collected by either program (Boys & Girls) will go into their general account unless they are earned together then they will be split 50/50 unless agreed upon prior to the event to be split at another percentage split.

5.7.4 All fundraising monies will be utilized to cover operational costs for the Club.

5.7.5 The President will keep detailed records of both programs’ budgets (income and expenditures) and will disclose a fiscal breakdown at the Annual Meeting for review by the general membership.

5.7.6 Any donations made for specific purchases, at the request of the donor, must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, before said donation can be accepted on behalf of the Club.

5.7.7 Any monies obtained from the Town or endowed from any other organization or gift will be split on a per child registered percentage share, unless otherwise earmarked as such.

5.8.1 The MOJLC official program colors are red, black, gold and white.

5.8.2 Any addition of colors to uniforms, merchandise, logos, and/or signage must be approved by a majority of the board of directors, for the specific item in question.

5.8.3 Colors may not be added or deleted without prior approval from the entire Board of Directors.


6.1 To be a head coach on any level,one must have coached for a minimum of one (1) year within the Mt. Olive Jr. Lacrosse Club and be in good standing with the Club. It is preferable that candidates have lacrosse playing or coaching experience at the high school level or above.

6.2.1 In the event there are no candidates who meet the above requirements, the position will then become available for coaches with less tenure or playing experience to apply.

6.2.2 Any candidate that expresses interest in a vacancy cannot be denied an opportunity to apply.

6.2.3 Preference shall be given to those individuals with the most years served to the Club, or the most game experience, but will not be a guarantee to fill the vacancy.

6.3.1 All candidates must submit their qualifications, in writing, to their respective program Vice Presidents, in order to be considered for a head coaching vacancy.

6.3.2 The Club Secretary will forward all applications to the Board of Directors, who will review the applications and interview the candidates as part of the selection process.

6.3.3 The Board of Directors will then determine, by a majority vote, the selection of the head coach for the vacant position(s).

6.3.4 The Board of Directors has the authority to recommend the positioning of all coaches, including assistant coaches, for the benefit of the Club and its participants.

6.4.1 No coach is guaranteed to head coach a specific team.

6.4.2 If it is deemed by the Divisional Vice President that a coaching applicant would be better suited on a level other than what the candidate has previously coached or is currently applying for, the candidate will be offered an opportunity to accept or reject the recommendation set forth by the Vice Presidents.

6.5.1 Head coaches may select their assistant coaches, subject to approval by the Board of Directors, and in accordance with these By-Laws.

6.5.1a The number of coaches on the sidelines for games is governed by the NJJLL/JGLA By-Laws. More coaches may be present at practices.

6.5.2 All coaches must be members of US Lacrosse and certified by either the National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA), Rutgers Certification Clinic, or possess an equivalent that is accepted by the Township of Mt. Olive and must complete Township coaching applications before they will be considered.

6.6.1 If the current head coach resigns or cannot fulfill his or her duties, the replacement of that head coach will be determined by the Board of Directors, on an interim basis.

6.6.2 The individual appointed will carry out the duties of the head coach for the duration of the season.

6.6.3 The position will then be considered vacant.

6.7.1 The head coach of each team shall have the right to recommend the dismissal of an assistant coach, from his or her team, subject to review and approval of the Board of Directors.

6.7.2 All matters pertaining to disciplinary action regarding coaching will be forwarded to the Board of Directors by the Vice President of that respective program.

6.8.1 The Vice Presidents of each program have the right to recommend the dismissal of a head coach, based on failure of that individual to conform to the philosophies established by the Club, and agreed to by the Board of Directors.

6.8.2 Failure to attend general meetings and training clinics are among the reasons for recommending the removal of a head coach.

6.8.3 The Board of Directors must approve a head coaching change, recommended by the program Vice President, with a majority vote.


7.1.1 Registration fees are at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

7.1.2 Fees will be determined for the following spring by the November Board Meeting.

7.1.3 The Club Treasurer will justify any increases through costs incurred by the Club by submitting an annual income and expenditure budget at the Annual Meeting for review by the general membership.

7.2. No registration will be refunded after the fees have been deposited except:

- Cancellation of season

- Board of Directors vote

- Subject to the validity of the nature

- Injury or medical condition as a result of participation

7.3.1 Registration is open to out of town residents, from towns that do not offer youth lacrosse programs as per US Lacrosse sanctioning body rules.

7.3.2 Any Mt. Olive residents that wish to participate in the program will be given first priority in terms of roster placement under open registration guidelines after returning players have been accounted for on a 1st come 1st serve basis.

7.3.3 All out of town registrants will be on a first come, first serve basis, as rosters dictate (as per Mt. Olive Township Recreation Department Guidelines).

7.3.4 Returning non-resident players shall be accorded special consideration in efforts to register said player.

7.4 Registrants must follow current rules of eligibility as defined by the New Jersey Junior Lacrosse League.

7.5.1 There is no limit on the number of registrants per grade, subject to available resources as deemed appropriate by the Board with the team designations as set forth in Article XV.

7.5.2 The MOJLC reserves the right to close Grade-Level registration at any time whereas the quality of provided services cannot be assured.

7.5.3 Any Grade-Level Closures will be brought to the attention of the entire board membership and the Town Recreation Department at the time of closure by the President to the respective Divisional Vice President.


8.1.1 All players are eligible to receive a participation trophy, provided funds are available.

8.1.2 A committee shall be formed from both divisions to determine trophies to be awarded which shall be as similar as possible as well as any special recognition to be directed to a single player or a small group of the MOJLC membership.


9.1.1 Once equipment and uniforms have been distributed, they become the sole responsibility of the player, his or her parents and/or guardians.

9.1.2 Any loss or damage to said equipment will result in a monetary fine to the player, his or her parents and/or guardian to cover costs for repair and/or replacement.

9.1.3 At no time are players allowed to retain club equipment.

9.2.1 Club equipment and uniforms are only to be worn for practices, scrimmages, and games sponsored by the Mt. Olive Junior Lacrosse Club.

9.2.2 Games jerseys may be worn to school prior to any scheduled regular season game or at any Club sponsored event.

9.3.1 All equipment and uniforms must be returned to the Club in good, clean condition on the designated day, when required.

9.3.2 Any late returns can only be made by approval of the Equipment Manager.

9.3.3 If equipment is not returned on the designated day without late approval by the Equipment Manager or is lost, damaged or in poor condition, the player will forfeit any awards to which he or she may have been entitled.

9.4 Players shall not be permitted to participate in practices, scrimmages, and games unless they are properly attired as defined by the coaches and Board per League, Sanctioning Body rules, Township guidelines, and safety mandates.

9.5.1 All coaches and Club members must return any and all Club equipment to the Equipment Manager on or before July 1st of the current calendar year.

9.5.2 Any loss or damage to said equipment could result in a monetary fine to the coach and/or member, in order to cover costs for repair and/or replacement.


10.1.1 All Mt. Olive Municipal fields, facilities and Mt. Olive Board of Education fields and facilities are substance-free facilities.

10.1.2 Smoking, drinking, and drug use is strictly prohibited.

10.1.3 Where allowed, smoking is only permitted in designated areas.

10.1.4 Smoking is strictly prohibited at all educational facilities & fields.

10.1.5 Please be courteous and concerned about the needs of your fellow volunteers, players, spectators and modeling appropriate healthy behavior for our youth.

10.1.6 Volunteers shall not use tobacco products while in public contact of the players, or in situations where interfacing with fellow volunteers or the public.


11.1.1 The Constitution & By-Laws, or any part thereof, may be amended or repealed.

11.1.2 Any voting member of the Club, in good standing, can propose an amendment change, but only those eligible to vote can vote on said proposals.

11.1.3 Any amendment or repeal shall be brought to the Club Secretary and will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for consideration.

11.1.4 The Board of Directors shall present proposed amendment or repeal with a recommendation for action by the Club.

11.1.5 The process is as follows:

11.1.5a By-Law amendment(s) proposals must be presented in writing to the Club Secretary, who will call a meeting of the Board of Directors to review and recommend action to the proposed change.

11.1.5b The first reading of the proposed change will be brought up to the membership at the next scheduled general meeting, where it will be openly discussed and modified if necessary.

11.1.5c A second reading will then take place at the following general meeting.

11.1.5d It will be acted upon with a motion and a formal vote.

11.1.5e No modifications can be made at the second meeting.

11.1.5f A two-thirds (2/3) vote in favor of the proposal of those in attendance who are eligible to vote, is required for passing.

11.1.5g Any proposal that does not achieve the necessary two-thirds (2/3) votes for passage will be rejected.


12.1.1 All rules pertaining to qualification for participation within the MOJLC will be stated in the Constitution & By-Laws of the New Jersey Junior Lacrosse League (NJJLL).

12.1.2 Any rules and regulations provided by US Lacrosse or specified training documents provided by any other outside organization must be first approved for adoption by the Board of Directors, provided they are beneficial to the needs of the Club and its participants.

12.2.1 A separate document regarding Club philosophy, coaching and player training and instructional methods, codes of conduct, coaching criteria, general behavioral rules, disciplinary actions and procedures, and program goals will be modified and adopted annually by the reigning Board of Directors, in order to keep current with the direction of the Club and its affiliations.

12.2.1a Parents and/or guardians will acknowledge the current codes of conduct prior to registration of their child.

12.2.1b All coaches will sign the current codes of conduct prior to the first practice of the season.

12.2.2 The Vice President of Boys & the Vice President of Girls will be responsible for the creation and distribution of said document(s), with input and approval of the remaining Board of Directors.

12.3.1 A selection committee, including Vice Presidents and coaches, will determine the candidates for the annual All-Star games.

12.3.2 The NJJLL/JGLA All-Star games entitle Mt. Olive players to be selected from their respective programs.

12.3.3 The All-State section entitles two (2) players to be sent to the All-State tryout for assessment.

12.3.3a The selection committee will meet to discuss the candidates regarding their selection.

12.3.3b Criteria for selection will include the following items but not limited to:

- Exhibited unselfish leadership qualities

- An enthusiastic commitment to excellence for the team, for individuals, and for MOJLC programs

- Involvement in lacrosse beyond the MOJLC season, including growth in knowledge and comprehension in the sport.

- A consistent attendance during the season.


13.1.1 This Club may be dissolved, first, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, where all directors are all in attendance, and then approved by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership in attendance in person or by proxy.

13.1.2 Upon dissolution, all Club debts shall be liquidated and any remaining monies, if any, shall be distributed to the Township of Mt. Olive Recreation Department for a public purpose.

13.1.3 Such distribution shall be made in accordance with all applicable provisions of the laws of the State of New Jersey.


14.1 The invalidity of any part of this Constitution & By-Laws shall not impair or affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of this document.


15.1.1 Each team shall consist of the minimum players as defined by JGLA, NJJLL, and US Lacrosse rules.

15.1.2 The MOJLC reserves the right to close the registration for any aforementioned team at any time whereas the quality of provided services cannot be assured or when the above mentioned size limitations have been met.

15.2 Any player registered after the Board has deemed open registration closed will only be admitted on an as needed basis.


16.1 Shall be controlled by the President and Treasurer.

16.2 Can only be disbursed with the Majority of Board of Directors' approval.


17.1 At all times the MOJLC will set up, establish, and maintain an emergency fund account.

17.2 This account will be no less than $3,000.00 dollars and not greater than $5,000.00 dollars.

17.3.1 This account will be for the purposes of unanticipated & unavoidable expenses that arise during a season or for cap-ex items that are deemed necessary to procure within any budgeted year after the budget process has been completed.

17.3.2 These funds can also be accessed if the needs of the entity within any fiscal year exceed the income of that entity, again after the budgetary process has been implemented.

17.4.1 This will be done solely to insure that one entity or a minority of the MOJLC cannot put the very livelihood and or even the existence of the MOJLC at jeopardy.

17.4.2 At no time is either side of the collective MOJLC allowed access solely to these funds and or will these funds be considered to be as part and parcel of any operating budget or the like.

17.5.1 The MOJLC needs to maintain restricted and secured funds to insure the continued and proper administration of the club and its participants in any given fiscal year.

17.5.2 This fund will insure that with natural growth there will be funds available to draw upon until growth has stagnated and revenue streams can proceed with large expense items.


17.6.1 The above listed funds can and will only be available for club retained inventory purchases, cap-ex items to outfit unanticipated club growth, or to assist with unanticipated administrative expenses post budget process.

17.6.2 These funds can and will be considered for use for hardship/scholarship individuals as outlined by township guidelines.

17.6.3 These funds will not be used to support either entities of the MOJLC that are not to be considered absolute expenses or that do not prevent either entities of the MOJLC from resulting in bankruptcy for a given fiscal year.

17.6.4 Funds drawn from this account that are deemed to be necessary expense items are to be returned to this account by the borrowing entity, prior to the payment of any other budgeted expense items or budgeted purchases that do not interfere with the fiscal season by the borrowing entity.

17.6.5 This account will not be utilized as an overdraft account for the MOJLC.

17.6.6 Both divisions are required to prepare balanced operating budgets that leave the MOJLC as a liquid state by the end of each completed season.


17.6.7 Neither division of the MOJLC will be able to draw upon these secured funds for use unless a complete board vote has been taken at a collective monthly board meeting (a complete board assembly) or unless a special meeting has been called and the complete board is assembled.

17.6.8 A majority vote to dispense funds must be carried as well as a plan to replace such funds discussed, carried & implemented.

17.6.9 Every member of the current Board must vote. In the event of an absent board member at such a meeting, that Board member must supply another sitting board member with a written letter of proxy to represent the absent board member’s interest.

17.6.10 A quorum must be established before any board vote can take place as stipulated in our bylaws.

17.6.11 By definition, an “absolute” expense would be an expense that would prevent the growth/participation of either division’s players or prevent the basic outfitting of a team operationally from a safety or cost standpoint or to interfere with the fluid running of a season in process.

Coaches Application Criteria:

1. Coaches will be considered in order of most qualified to least for head coaching positions.

2. Qualifications will be established by the criteria outlined below & will be voted on by the Board for approval in order of most qualified to least per grade level.

3. Qualification Criteria:

10 Points for Level 2 certification

30 Points for Level 3 certification

1 Point per year of assistant coaching experience

2 Points per year of head coaching experience

1 Point per year for high school playing experience

2 Points per year of college-level playing experience

3 Points per year for High School All-State recognition

5 Points for a year for College Level regional, national, or divisional recognition


Applicant #1 - Level 2 certified, 3 years assistant coach, 2 years head coach, 4 years high school playing experience, 2 years college experience

Level 2 Certification - 20 Points

3 Years Assistant - 3 Years X 1 Point 3 Points

2 Years Head Coach - 2 Years X 2 Points 4 Points

4 Years High School - 4 Years X 1 Point 4 Points

2 Years College - 2 Years X 2 Points 4 Points

35 Points

Applicant #2 - Level 1 certified, 5 years assistant coach, 1 years head coach, 0 years high school playing experience, 0 years college experience

Level 2 Certification - 10 Points

5 Years Assistant - 5 Years X 1 Point 5 Points

1 Year Head Coach - 2 Year X 2 Points 4 Points

19 Points

4. In the event of a tie, the applicant for first consideration will be determined first by level of certification, secondly by total years of experience coaching, and finally by most combined high school and college recognition points.

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